Quality surveys are essential for accurate engineering services from design and construction through maintenance, turnarounds, upgrades, and revamps. Brown & Root has registered Professional Land Surveyors (PLS) licensed in many states to serve field-to-finished projects on land and inland coastal waters.
High-Definition Laser Scanning
We self-perform high-definition laser scanning with company-owned equipment. Our PLS team collect facility 鈥渁s-built鈥 condition data to provide common points of reference for all design disciplines.
Safety Advantages
Less Travel and Field Time
Minimize Climbing
Increased Accuracy
Fewer Field Welds
Less Construction Rework
Enhanced Constructability Reviews
Improved Safety Performance
Lowers Project Costs
Eliminates Field Rework
Improves Project Scheduling

Field Surveys
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
Survey consulting for private and public landowners
Survey support for engineering
Construction project layout and inspection
Topographic Surveys
Hydrographic Surveys
Geophysical Surveys